About Equity College

Equity College (EC) (Professional College) is the educational entity of the International Court for Dispute Resolution (INCODIR)

 EC a United Kingdom Entity, established by the agreement between the presidents of the nine fora (forums) of INCODIR with the purpose of providing neutrals, advocates and other ADR related professionals with a wide spectrum of education and training events and programs. Such events and programs, and whether they are to be provided by the EC or by third-party and accredited by the EC, it's educational content shall be guaranteed by both the EC and the INCODIR.

EC works through a number of platforms; works through an electronic platform to provide a quality distance learning to be delivered by the EC,  also EC works in partnership with local training and educational entities to deliver collaborative programs in a hybrid face-to-face and distance learning programs for the greatest fulfillment of our goals, at last EC acts as an accreditation platform for programs provided totally by third-parties, in that case the EC use the latest techniques to; supervise the educational techniques, the curriculums, the quality of lecturers, and the overall system of education undertaking by the third-party entity, based on that the EC accredit the program.

The EC, as the INCODIR, is always proud to be able to work in different countries which differ in a great extent; EC works in developed countries and in developing countries, works in countries in which the use of ADR is something for granted and in countries in which even the term ADR is strange, in countries where the ADR Expert is a very respected person, and in countries where the ADR experts are oppressed. This diversity was always the key of success of the INCODIR and totally inherited by the EC.

As now a days, most of the ADR educational institutes are accused to be oriented towards one legal doctrine, e.g. common law, civil law, traditional international law, modern international law, etc. The EC as the INCODIR, is diversified and open to the greatest extent, we have academics from almost every legal system on the earth.


Our Mission

The EC mission is to help prepare outstanding Experts in the Field of the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), as well as, scholars, and researchers, and to advance the profession of Dispute Resolution, through research and distance learning as well as face-to-face traditional learning.

 The EC is wishing to provides all of that through the most cost-effective methods it could use.

The EC is to accomplish all of that through;

1- Entering into Campus-Sharing agreements.

2- Having multiple options for delivering the education, i.e. Face-to-face and distance learning.

3- Understanding of the local methods of education .

4- Act as accreditation platform to reputable third-party courses.

5- Giving all the needed authority to the EC regional directors.

6- Having a reputable Panel of Academics.

7- Adopting the highest standers of transparency without giving up the needed level of confidentiality.

The Equity College Administration


 Arunachala Baskaran

President of Equity College


The Equity College "Exclusive Administrative Representatives" have the following exclusive rights in their regions;

1- Speak in the name of Equity College.

2- Sign any document in the name of the Equity College, which includes but not limited to Equity College Certificates.

3- Take all the Administrative decisions in their regions.


Chandrika Subramaniyan

Equity College Exclusive Administrative Representative in Austuralia


Maya Stoyanova

Equity College Exclusive Administrative Representative in Bulgaria


Emad ElSabe

Equity College Exclusive Administrative Representative in Germany


Arunachala Baskaran

Equity College Exclusive Administrative Representative in India


Medhat El-Banna

Equity College Exclusive Administrative Representative in Middle East and North Africa Region


Akintola Yusuf Oladapo

Equity College Exclusive Administrative Representative in West Africa Region



Our Panel of Academics

The EC Panel of Academics contains lists of Academics whom either EC Academics or visiting lecturers whom are willing to lecture in the EC programs.

You can find in the Academic list  the Academic's fields of expertise, you can also find his/ her degree,  and wither he is a visiting lecturer or EC Lecturer.

If certain detail of any lecturer is missing, that's probably because he/ she is not willing to disclose that detail.

For the list of Academics click here and for more information regarding the list of academics please contact us.

Panel of Academics

The EC Panel of Academics contains lists of Academics whom either EC Academics or visiting lecturers whom are willing to lecture in the EC programs.




Third Party Programs

The EC Third-Party Programs (ECTPP) are professional programs in which the EC acts as an accreditation platform for programs provided totally by third-parties, in that case the EC use the latest techniques to; supervise the educational techniques, the curriculums, the quality of lecturers, and the overall system of education undertaking by the third-party entity, based on that the EC accredit the program. 


Contact Us

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